Konchog Gyalpo was born in 1034, the Wood Dog year of the 1st Rabjung cycle' of the Tibetan calendar, to father Khon Shakya Lodro.
When he was young,he received many instructions and empowerments from his father and elder brother, Khonrong Sherab Tshultrim. He had a great interest in the new tantras. In that time in Tibet, Drogmi Lotsawa was known as the most learned master in both the old and new traditions of tantra.As adviced by his brother, Khon Konchog Gyalpo went to Drogmi Lotsawa to request teachings.On the way, he met with Drogmi's spiritual son Khyinlo or Khyin Lotsawa, from whom he received many pith instructions.
After Khyin Lotsawa passed away, Khon Konchog Gyalpo relied on Drogmi Lotsawa as his root teacher. He received many instructions on the Eight Outer Cycle of the path(Iam skor phyi ma brgyad)and so on. In particular, Drogmi predicted, "You, Khon Konchog Gyalpo and the Khon Lineage, will be the owners of my textual explanations and instructions."
Khon Konchog Hyssop received pith instructions from Seton kunrig, a disciple of Drogmi Lotsawa, and Khon Konchog Gyalpo in turn gave him explanations on tantra.Thus they became teacher and decipile of each others. More over, he received teachings on Guhyasamaja (gsang 'dus) from Go Khugpa Lhatse, on The Five Drops(thig le Inga)from Pandita Sherab Sangwa and on Chakrasamvara and Drubnying from Ma Lotsawa Gewe Lodro.By relying on the masters Purang Lochung,Sangye Yeshe Shab and his spiritual son Lalita Chungwa,Sausurava, Guru Senapa, Apalinapa, Akara Bhada,Ngawang Dragpa, Jowo Deva Lalita, Khon Gyichuwa, Kyura Aseng and Dzinpa Lotsawa, Khon Konchog Gyalpo became the holder of traditions in general and, in particular, he became learned in the new tradition of tantra.
He then established a monastery called Sakya Gonpa in Drowo village, where he taught tantra and gave pith instructions.After a few years, he examined the visions of a dream in which he observed many auspicious signs, such as Ponpo Mountain being like an elephant lying down with soft white soil and a stream flowing clockwise on the right hand side of its lower body.
At the age of fourty, in 1073,the Water Donkey year of 1st Rabjung cycle, he founded the great shrine of the Glorious Sakya, which is regarded as the Bodhgaya of Tibet, the Land of Snow. Until 1102 ,the Water Horse year of the 2nd Rabjung cycle, he served as the owner of ocean -like instructions of the profound tantras transmitted through Drogmi Lotsawa.
For thirty years, from 1073 to 1103,Khon Konchog Gyalpo held the throne of the Glorious Sakya,spreading the Buddhadharma in general and, in particular, teachings on Secret Mantra, such as empowerments,pith instructions, and exposition of the tantras which were passed down from the lineages of the four great Lotsawas through learning and teaching. Thus, in accordance with what had been predicted, he established the place, people and protectors of Sakya.
In 1102, he manifested the appearance of passing in to a state of great bliss .