Sachen Kunga Nyingpo was born in 1092 to father Khon Konchog Gyalpo and mother Machik Shangmo Sonam Kyid. As soon as this pleasant - looking child was born, the great master Nam Khawupa took him in his hands and praised him as the emanation of Avalokiteshvara Khasarpani. in the age of twelve, he did a retreat on Manjushri under the guidance of the great master Bari Lotsawa. Appearing before him, an emanation of Manjushri taught the pith instruction of Parting from the Four Attachments and in a vision a garland of swords emerging from Manjushri's heart dissolved into Sachen Kunga Nyingpo's heart. This was described as an auspicious sign signaling Manjushri's continuous emanation in the Khon linage till the end of existence.
By relying upon masters such as Bari Lotsawa, Khon Kunchog Gyalpo, Lama Shangton, Drangti Dharma Nyingpo, Khyung Rinchen Drag, Me Lhangtsher, Geshe Ngog, Chura Akyab, the Nam Khawupa brothers and Seton Kunrig, he became the owner of all profound teachings, especially The Path and its Results, or Lamdre. In particular, he received tge entire tantric and pith instructional teachings which came from the lineages of the four great translators Mal Lotsawa, Bari Lotsawa Rinchen Drag, Drogmi Lotsawa Shakya Yeshe and Lotsawa Rinchen Sangpo. Even though Sachen Kunga Nyingpo preferred to take monastic vows according to Gyi Chuwa's final advice, the great master Serton advised him that he would be of more benefit if he did not take monastic vows. Therefore, e married two sisters of the Yum Tsawa Rongpa family. The senior wife, Machik Wodron, gave birth to Sonam Tsemo and Dragpa Gyaltshen. In his pure clear light perception, the glorious Virupa manifested before him to deliver pith instructions in his doorstep. in that time, he also composed prayers such as the one beginning with the line "Wondrous! From the innate nature free from elaborations," praising the three secrets of the great, all - powerful yogi Virupa.
From the most exalted sage, Virupa, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo also received The Seventy-two Teachings Related to the Highest Yoga Tantra (bla med dang 'brel ba'i chos sna bdun cu rtsa gnyis), Tho Four Profound Teachings that Never Cross the Iron Fence (Icags ri las mi 'da' ba'i zab chos bzhi) and many other teachings.
From then on, he perfectly gained fearless confidence in all knoable things.
He produced innumerable disciples, among them being three whi were accomplished, holding the secrets of this teachings, chiefly his biological and spiritual son Sonam Tsemo, seven who gained the perfection of patience, eighty endowed with realization and a great master Drogmi prophesied, he produced the profound oral transmission of the Lamdre teachings in textual form. Hence, he possessed great kindness in perserving the resultant vehicle of Vajrayana.
For over forty-eighty years, from 1111 to 1158, Sachen Kunga Nyongpo held the Sakya throne by means of integrating both teaching and practice. He composed many incomparable treatise such as the Explanation of the Difficult points of the HevajraTantra (brtag gnyis kyi dka' 'grel) and the Eleven Commentaries on the Vajra Lines of Virupa.
When he was sixty - seven years old, in 1158, on the fourteenth day of the ninth month, with a gracious invitation from dakas and dakinis, he passed into the pure realms of Sukhavati, Potala, Oddiyana, and the Copper Colored Mountain.
Konchog Gyalpo was born in 1034, the Wood Dog year of the 1st Rabjung cycle' of the Tibetan calendar, to father Khon Shakya Lodro.
When he was young,he received many instructions and empowerments from his father and elder brother, Khonrong Sherab Tshultrim. He had a great interest in the new tantras. In that time in Tibet, Drogmi Lotsawa was known as the most learned master in both the old and new traditions of tantra.As adviced by his brother, Khon Konchog Gyalpo went to Drogmi Lotsawa to request teachings.On the way, he met with Drogmi's spiritual son Khyinlo or Khyin Lotsawa, from whom he received many pith instructions.
After Khyin Lotsawa passed away, Khon Konchog Gyalpo relied on Drogmi Lotsawa as his root teacher. He received many instructions on the Eight Outer Cycle of the path(Iam skor phyi ma brgyad)and so on. In particular, Drogmi predicted, "You, Khon Konchog Gyalpo and the Khon Lineage, will be the owners of my textual explanations and instructions."
Khon Konchog Hyssop received pith instructions from Seton kunrig, a disciple of Drogmi Lotsawa, and Khon Konchog Gyalpo in turn gave him explanations on tantra.Thus they became teacher and decipile of each others. More over, he received teachings on Guhyasamaja (gsang 'dus) from Go Khugpa Lhatse, on The Five Drops(thig le Inga)from Pandita Sherab Sangwa and on Chakrasamvara and Drubnying from Ma Lotsawa Gewe Lodro.By relying on the masters Purang Lochung,Sangye Yeshe Shab and his spiritual son Lalita Chungwa,Sausurava, Guru Senapa, Apalinapa, Akara Bhada,Ngawang Dragpa, Jowo Deva Lalita, Khon Gyichuwa, Kyura Aseng and Dzinpa Lotsawa, Khon Konchog Gyalpo became the holder of traditions in general and, in particular, he became learned in the new tradition of tantra.
He then established a monastery called Sakya Gonpa in Drowo village, where he taught tantra and gave pith instructions.After a few years, he examined the visions of a dream in which he observed many auspicious signs, such as Ponpo Mountain being like an elephant lying down with soft white soil and a stream flowing clockwise on the right hand side of its lower body.
At the age of fourty, in 1073,the Water Donkey year of 1st Rabjung cycle, he founded the great shrine of the Glorious Sakya, which is regarded as the Bodhgaya of Tibet, the Land of Snow. Until 1102 ,the Water Horse year of the 2nd Rabjung cycle, he served as the owner of ocean -like instructions of the profound tantras transmitted through Drogmi Lotsawa.
For thirty years, from 1073 to 1103,Khon Konchog Gyalpo held the throne of the Glorious Sakya,spreading the Buddhadharma in general and, in particular, teachings on Secret Mantra, such as empowerments,pith instructions, and exposition of the tantras which were passed down from the lineages of the four great Lotsawas through learning and teaching. Thus, in accordance with what had been predicted, he established the place, people and protectors of Sakya.
In 1102, he manifested the appearance of passing in to a state of great bliss .
Bari Lotsawa Rinchen Drag was born in 1040, the Iron Dragon year of the 1st Rabjung cycle, in a place called Yarmo Thang situated in the lower part of Amdo. He was of the Bari clan. From the time he was a child, the sublime Tara and other deities appeared to him. He innately possessed the view and behaviour of high-level, heroic Bodhisattvas, in that he had infinite compassion and the courage to sacrifice himself for the welfare of others.
When Bari Lotsawa Rinchen Drag grew up, he had a vision during a dream in which a girl appeared, having a blue complexion and wearing many ornaments, who predicted that if he went to Central Tibet he would be able to greatly benefit sentient beings. Thus he journeyed to Central Tibet in 1059 in the age of nineteen. Even on the journey, the sublime Tara and her two attending Bodhisattvas often appeared to give assurance. In the upper part of Ura, he took monastic vows under praceptor Kusulapa, as well as Acharya Shang Yonten Rinchen, who gave him the name Rinchen Drag. From these two masters, he received profound teachings transmitted through Jowo Je Atisha, as well as explanations of the philosophy of the middle way (Madhyamaka) and practce of the paramitas.
Later, Bari Lotsawa received most of the Kadampa teachings from the Geshe Nyarawa. As prophesied by Jowo Je, he went Nepal through Kyirong. There on the feet of Pandita Jampeyang he received Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini empowerments, and learned their methods of practice (sadhana; sgrub thabs) including the stages of completion (rdzogs rim). in the same time he studied many essential points of Sanskrit. Following this he went to India where, from the master Mahayogi, he received the blessing of Vajravarahi and the relevant practice instructions, subsequently attaining many levels of meditative absorption.
Moreover, he received thousands of different teachings, including explainations of the tantras, pith instructions, teachings on the Heap of Jewels Sutra ( Ratnakuta; dkon brtsegs) and the king of Samadhi Sutra (Samadhirja; ting nge 'dzin rgyal po'i mdo) from masters Dzetari Drale Namgyal, senior and junior Dorden, Pandita Donyo Dorje and so on. Thus he became the owner of the ocean of sutra and tantra as well as other sciences. He also saved hundreds of people by offering gold to a non-Buddhsit king who was plotting to sacriice them as part of a ransom ritual.
While in Nepal, he bought an area of land to shelter homeless and destitute Tibetans in a place called Bothang of Yambu, thus helping such Tibetans relieve the misery of their lives. Bari Lotsawa established the grand practice of offering tormas to the pretas, or hungry ghosts. He translated texts related to the practices of Amoghapasha, the Five protector, Ushnishavijaya, Vajravidarana, Chakrasamvara and The Hundred Teachings of Bari Lotsawa (ba ri brgya rtsa). For the sole purpose ogf benefitting beings, he lived in India and Nepal and Nepal for nine years.
When Bari Lotsawa was sixty-three years old, Khon Konchog Gyalpo passed away. In that time, for many reasons, including Sachen Kunga Nyingpo having not yet reached maturity, Bari Lotsawa was enthroned on the seat of the Glorious Sakya. He tuned the Dharma wheel of tantra and pith instructions as well as producing many disciples who were both wise and accomplished, such as Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Khyung Rinchen Drag and Me Lhangsher.
For eight years from 1103, the water sheep year of the 2nd Rabjung cycle, to 1110, the Iron Rabbit year of the same cycle, he carried out the duties of the main seat. In 1111, in seventy-three years of age, on the fourteenth day of the ninth month, he said to his spiritual son, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, "l am going from bliss to bliss. I have no regrets, as I have been cared for by special deities. Since you are a son of the nobility and belong to the Mahayana family, you should strive solely for the benefit of sentient beings and the teachings." After giving this inspirational advice, he passed into parinirvana.