![]() Su Eminencia Dungsei Ratna Vajra Rinpoche es el mayor de los hijos de Su Santidad Sakya Trizin y miembro de la noble familia de los Khon en Tibet, quienes fundaron la Orden Sakya en los siglos once y doce. Desde temprana edad ha estudiado y se ha adiestrado, en la manera tradicional, como sostenedor de linaje. Habiendo completado sus estudios, es maestro en ambas tradiciones de la meditación y filosofía budista, la tradición esotérica y la exotérica. Es reconocida su brillante y clara explicación de las enseñanzas. PROGRAMA Jueves 21 Explicación general de "Iniciación" Sesiones mañana y tarde: 10h y 16h Viernes 22 Enseñanzas sobre la relación maestro discípulo Sesiones mañana y tarde: 10h y 16h Sábado 23 Iniciación Kalachakra (1er día) Sesión tarde: 16h Domingo 24 Iniciación Kalachakra (2º día) Sesión tarde: 15h Kalachakra es un término sánscrito que se traduce como “Rueda del Tiempo o Ciclo del Tiempo”. La tradición Kalachakra gira en torno al concepto de tiempo (kāla) y ciclos (chakra): desde los ciclos de los planetas hasta los ciclos de la respiración. Este tantra pertenece al Yoga Supremo (Anutarayoga) y contiene instrucciones detalladas para trabajar con la energía sutil del cuerpo con objeto de lograr el estado de Buda. La entidad Kalachakara representa a Buda y, por ende, a la omnisciencia. Kalachakra es tiempo y, como todo está bajo la influencia del tiempo, Kalachakra lo conoce todo. Por otro lado, su consorte Kalachakri o Kalichakra está consciente de todo aquello que es infinito o fuera del reino del tiempo. Están unidos en la postura yab-yum, la temporalidad y la intemporalidad en conjunción. De manera similar, la rueda no posee ni principio ni fin. La iniciación de Kalachakra fue otorgada por primera vez por Buda Sakyamuni, quien se manifestó como la deidad ante el rey Suchandra en la stupa de Dhanyakataka en India. Más tarde el rey trajo consigo la tradición a su reino místico de Shambhala, donde fue preservada a través de un linaje de reyes bodisatvas. El sida Chilupa la trajo de nuevo a India durante el periodo medieval Esta iniciación, especial, de Kalachakra que otorgará Su Eminencia, pertenece a la colección Vajramala del gran maestro Abhayakaragupta. |
sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2011
domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2011
Announcing A New Restricted Text from Snow Lion
An Explication of the Oral Instructions
of the Path with the Result
by Lama Dampa Sonam Gyaltsen, translated and edited by Cyrus Stearns511 pp. text plus 47 pp. supplement | cloth bound | $100.00It is the strict instruction of His Holiness Sakya Trizin that this translation of Lama Dampa Sonam Gyaltsen's Treasury of Esoteric Instructions be made available only to people who have received the complete teachings of the Path with the Result, or Lamdre'. Please see www.snowlionpub.com for full description of the requirements for ordering this text.The Lamdre', or the Path with the Result, is the most important system of tantric practice in the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The goddess Vajra Nairatmya first transmitted these teachings to the Indian adept Virupa (ca. seventh-eighth centuries), who then composed the Vajra Lines. Virupa's words were transmitted orally until the Tibetan master Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (1092-1158) wrote eleven commentaries to explain them. Two hundred years later, in 1342, Lama Dampa Sonam Gyaltsen (1312-75) composed the Treasury of Esoteric Instructions, the culminating commentary on Virupa's work.According to His Holiness Sakya Trizin, "There have been many treatises of commentary on the intention of the Vajra Lines. However, this Treasury of Esoteric Instructions, the commentary composed by the sovereign of the doctrine Lama Dampa Sonam Gyaltsen Palsangpo of the Khon family, has many special qualities, and is clearer and more easily understood than others, suitably elaborate, and precise in drawing out the key points."This book contains translations of Virupa's Vajra Lines and Lama Dampa's Treasury of Esoteric Instructions. Issued as a separate booklet is a translation of Pleasure Grove for the Intelligent, a structural commentary on the Vajra Lines written by Jamgon Ameshap Ngawang Kunga Sonam (1597-1659), the twenty-eighth throne holder of Sakya.** Please share this message with others. **
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quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011
sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011
Splendid and precious root lama,
Sitting upon a lotus on the crown of my head,
Bless me with your great kindness,
Bestow upon me perfections of body, voice and mind
Oh, assemblies with the power to grant immortal life,
Oh, the seven-eyed goddess who grants immortal life(1),
Who dwells within the invincible protective tent of immortal life,
Pray grant the attainment of immortal life.
As the sun rises in space, so too the Guru, who is the refl ection
Of the wisdom, law and power of the three Lords of Padmasambhava(2),
Arises from His intention; You have made blossom the lotus garden of the precepts and realization
Of the Sakya Teachings; stay forever as the protector of the beings of the four continents.
O descendant of the Khön, emanation of the Lord of Speech(3) in that divine family,
Your activities make the paths of the Mahayana, Sutra and Tantra
Shine in the glory of giving happiness: Oh, pleaser of all beings,
Powerful wish-fulfi lling King, may Your being remain with us.
On the golden base of pure moral conduct,
You heap vast piles of the powdered jewels of study, contemplation and meditation;
You expand the levels of teaching, debate, composition and explanation;
Oh, excellent refuge, may You be as enduring as Mount Sumeru.
May You stay fi rmly, who teaches as did the conquerors,
The entire profound Lob Shed, the excellent path of the conquerors,
Which has the “Four Authorities,”(4) the oral lineage of the Conquerors,
Condensed by the Five Superior Lamas,(5) themselves the second Conquerors.
While You are here, may Your Three Secrets(6) be as enduring as the Vajra,
As you have come to be the ornaments beautifying Jambudvipa, this excellent place:
May the glorious religious kingdom of glorious Sakya exist radiantly,
LiKe the seven glorious auspicious qualities(7) of a most excellent kingdom.
May the wishes of our prayers be fulfi lled
By the power of the truth of the changeless profound “true nature”(8),
And by the power of an ocean of Deities and Protectors,
And by the great compassion of the dependable Lama and Triple Gem.
1. The “seven-eyed goddess” refers to White Tara.
2. The “Three Lords” are Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, and Vajrapani.
3. The “Lord of Speech” is Manjushri.
4. The “Four Authorities” are: the authority of the root and lineage lamas, the authority of being based on authoritative
precepts, the authority of true experience arising by practice, and the authority of Lord Buddha s the origin of all this.
5. The fi ve founding fathers of Sakya are: Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Acharya Sonam Tsemo, Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen,
Sakya Pandita, and Chogyal Phagpa.
6. The Three Secrets are those of Body, Speech, and Mind.
7. The Auspicious Qualities are those of the Queen, Horse, Minister, Elephant, General, Jewel, and Wheel.
8. True Nature or “chos-nyid” is the Ultimate true nature of all being.
Source: The above translation was reproduced form the original publication with the kind permission of Lama Sherab Gyaltsen
Amipa, Switzerland and was printed in Palden Sakya News Magazine
Splendid and precious root lama,
Sitting upon a lotus on the crown of my head,
Bless me with your great kindness,
Bestow upon me perfections of body, voice and mind
Oh, assemblies with the power to grant immortal life,
Oh, the seven-eyed goddess who grants immortal life(1),
Who dwells within the invincible protective tent of immortal life,
Pray grant the attainment of immortal life.
As the sun rises in space, so too the Guru, who is the refl ection
Of the wisdom, law and power of the three Lords of Padmasambhava(2),
Arises from His intention; You have made blossom the lotus garden of the precepts and realization
Of the Sakya Teachings; stay forever as the protector of the beings of the four continents.
O descendant of the Khön, emanation of the Lord of Speech(3) in that divine family,
Your activities make the paths of the Mahayana, Sutra and Tantra
Shine in the glory of giving happiness: Oh, pleaser of all beings,
Powerful wish-fulfi lling King, may Your being remain with us.
On the golden base of pure moral conduct,
You heap vast piles of the powdered jewels of study, contemplation and meditation;
You expand the levels of teaching, debate, composition and explanation;
Oh, excellent refuge, may You be as enduring as Mount Sumeru.
May You stay fi rmly, who teaches as did the conquerors,
The entire profound Lob Shed, the excellent path of the conquerors,
Which has the “Four Authorities,”(4) the oral lineage of the Conquerors,
Condensed by the Five Superior Lamas,(5) themselves the second Conquerors.
While You are here, may Your Three Secrets(6) be as enduring as the Vajra,
As you have come to be the ornaments beautifying Jambudvipa, this excellent place:
May the glorious religious kingdom of glorious Sakya exist radiantly,
LiKe the seven glorious auspicious qualities(7) of a most excellent kingdom.
May the wishes of our prayers be fulfi lled
By the power of the truth of the changeless profound “true nature”(8),
And by the power of an ocean of Deities and Protectors,
And by the great compassion of the dependable Lama and Triple Gem.
1. The “seven-eyed goddess” refers to White Tara.
2. The “Three Lords” are Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, and Vajrapani.
3. The “Lord of Speech” is Manjushri.
4. The “Four Authorities” are: the authority of the root and lineage lamas, the authority of being based on authoritative
precepts, the authority of true experience arising by practice, and the authority of Lord Buddha s the origin of all this.
5. The fi ve founding fathers of Sakya are: Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Acharya Sonam Tsemo, Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen,
Sakya Pandita, and Chogyal Phagpa.
6. The Three Secrets are those of Body, Speech, and Mind.
7. The Auspicious Qualities are those of the Queen, Horse, Minister, Elephant, General, Jewel, and Wheel.
8. True Nature or “chos-nyid” is the Ultimate true nature of all being.
Source: The above translation was reproduced form the original publication with the kind permission of Lama Sherab Gyaltsen
Amipa, Switzerland and was printed in Palden Sakya News Magazine
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