Welcome !
The goals of the Sakya Tsechen Ling Institute are the study and the practical application of Mahayana Buddhism traditional teachings and their safeguarding. Main activities take place through monthly sessions of teachings, retreats, study of tibetan language and root texts, study and training of rituals, training courses and conferences.
Visit of His Holiness Kyabgon Gongma Sakya Trichen Rinpoche

Dear Friends,
His Holiness Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche will impart the cycle of initiations and teachings of the most revered Vajrayogini of the Naropa Tradition in a condensed form. Vajrayogini is a cardinal practice for the Sakya Tradition as well as for the other Tibetan Traditions.
Spiritual Masters and Teachers
Their Holinesses the 41th and 42th Sakya Trizin

Ven. Khenchen Sherab Gyaltsen Amipa Ven. Khenpo Dakpa Woeser
Ven. Khenpo Tashi Sangpo
A brief Introduction to the Sakya Lineage
The Sakya Tradition − one of the major Tibetan Buddhist traditions − was founded in 1073 by Khön Konchok Gyalpo, who established the first monastery as the seat of Sakya tradition, at a place called «Sakya» in the region of the Ponpo Ri mountain range. Subsequently, the five Founding Masters of Sakya initiated the common and uncommon teachings and caused the teachings of Sakya including the auxiliary sciences to flourish.
Since then, the lineage and its followers have been called «Sakyapa». The unbroken ssuccession of lineage holders bear the three supreme names of 'mtshan mchhog gsum ldan', known as the Celestial Race, the Khön Clan and Sakya−pa. Through them, the great teachings of the Sakya Tradition are preserved and continue to flourish to the present day. The current throne holder, His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin, Ngawang Kunga Thegchen Palbar Trinley Samphel Wangi Gyalpo, saw with his vast vision that in the current degenerate time it would be beneficial to change the throne holder succession system, even though this diverges from the established Sakya tradition, creating a new era.
On 8th May, 2014, the new historical throne holder succession system was unanimously resolved by the Dolma Phodrang and Phuntsok Phodrang, with His Holiness the Sakya Trizin announcing the same on 11th December 2014 during the 23rd Great Sakya Mönlam for Universal Peace in Lumbini. The resolution detailed the tenure, assumption of throne holder position by seniority and the prerequisite qualifications to become the throne holder. The qualification includes the complete fulfillment of studies of all the basic rites and rituals of Sakya tradition, studies in all the major philosophies, receiving empowerments, reading transmissions, pith instructions, mastering the teachings of the ancestral Dharma teachings of Lamdre Tsogshey and Lamdre Lobshey along with other important teachings and empowerments, and having accomplished the basic recitation retreat on Hevajra and other important yidam deities.
In March 2017, His Holiness Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, Ngawang Kunga Lodro Wangchuk Rinchen Jigme Trinley, who is endowed with above mentioned qualifications, will officially ascend to the Sakya Throne to become the 42nd Sakya Trizin, the first throne holder under the new system.
Great annual celebrations at the Institute for 2019
On these days the 16 Arhats ritual is performed at the Institute.effects of positive or negative actions are increased.
• LOSAR . February the 5th at 6:30 pm. Tibetan New Year 2146 Earth Pig.
• CHOTRUL DÜCHEN. February the 19th at 6:30 pm.
Full Moon and last day of the 15th first days of the year during which Buddha performed each day a miracle.
Full Moon and last day of the 15th first days of the year during which Buddha performed each day a miracle.
• SAGA DAWA DÜCHEN. June the 17th at 6:30 pm.
Buddha's birth, full enlightenment and parinirvana.
Buddha's birth, full enlightenment and parinirvana.
• CHÖKOR DÜCHEN. August the 4th at 6:30 pm.
First teaching of the Buddha about the Four Noble Truth.
First teaching of the Buddha about the Four Noble Truth.
• LHABAB DÜCHEN. November the 19th at 6:30 pm..
Buddha's descent from Heavens Tushita.
Buddha's descent from Heavens Tushita.